
Article not rated

Vol. 20 - Num. 77

Clinical Reviews

Recurrent peripheral facial paralysis

Salomé Ruiz Escusola, Soledad Gallardo Morenob

aPediatra. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.
bEnfermera de Pediatría. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja. Tarragona. España.

Correspondence: S Ruiz. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Ruiz Escusol S, Gallardo Moreno S. Recurrent peripheral facial paralysis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2018;20:e15-e18.

Published in Internet: 13-02-2018 - Visits: 57067


Bell’s palsy is the most frequent facial paralysis in childhood. Its etiology is unknown. If warning signs are not present, an accurate physical examination is normally enough for the diagnosis, and complementary explorations are not usually necessary in case of unilateral isolated peripheral facial paralysis without other symptoms. Most recover spontaneously, and recurrences are uncommon. We present the case of a 14-year old girl, who had the first episode of peripheral facial palsy when she was eight years old, and who has presented four more episodes later. Due to the repetition of the clinical features, complementary tests were carried out, but no etiology was found. Despite of the recurrence of episodes and the family and professional concern, the evolution until the current moment has been satisfactory, with a normal facial mimic.


Adolescent Bell palsy Child Facial palsy



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