Vol. 19 - Num. 75
Clinical Reviews
Silvia de las Nieves Ortega Péreza, Daniel González Santanab, Juan Carlos Ramos Varelab, Domingo Cañizo Fernándeza, Luis Peña Quintanab
aPediatra. CS de Arucas. Gran Canaria. España.
bServicio de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil de Canarias. Gran Canaria. España.
Correspondence: SN Ortega. E-mail: silviaorteg@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Ortega Pérez SN, González Santana D, Ramos Varela JC, Cañizo Fernández D, Peña Quintana L. Alagille syndrome. A pathology to be considered. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2017;19:267-70.
Published in Internet: 12-09-2017 - Visits: 12167
Alagille syndrome is an uncommon pathology. It is found in 1/100,000 live births. It is characterized by biliary duct hypoplasia associated with other malformations. We report the case of a four-year-old Chinese child who was diagnosed with this pathology after being adopted at 11 months of age.
● Alagille syndrome ● Bile duct diseases ● Cholestasis
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