Ana Vereas Martíneza, Verónica Recio Pascuala, Jesús Ignacio Hidalgo Gordob, Pablo Diego Gaytea, Ionela Biatricia Mihac
aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Miranda de Ebro. Burgos. España.
bPediatra. CS Miranda Oeste. Miranda de Ebro. Burgos. España.
cServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Miranda de Ebro. Miranda de Ebro. Burgos. España.
Correspondence: A Vereas. E-mail:
Reference of this article: Vereas Martínez A, Recio Pascual V, Hidalgo Gordo JI, Diego Gayte P, Biatricia Miha I. Spontaneous periodic hypothermia and hyperhidrosis: a case report and a literature review. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2017;19:e63-e65.
Published in Internet: 01-06-2017 - Visits: 18619
Spontaneous periodic hypothermia is a disorder characterized by repeated episodes of hypothermia and sweating in the absence of neurological, endocrine, metabolic injury or intercurrent infections. Bradycardia, pale skin and general malaise feeling can also be associated to this condition. Its prevalence is unknown. It can be diagnosed when other causes have been excluded. Due to the lack of published cases, its pathogenic mechanism is yet unknown. Several hypotheses, such as epilepsy, migraine equivalent or alterations of neurotransmitters, have been described. Therefore, there is not a specific treatment. Our objective is to present a case and to review the literature.
● Hyperhidrosis ● Hypothermia ● Periodic disease
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