Paula M.ª Barberá Péreza, Elena Javierre Mirandab, M.ª Pilar Collado Hernándezc, Mireia del Roser Amiguet Biaind, Cristina Seral Garcíac, Nuria García Sánchezb
aMIR-Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza. España.
bPediatra. CS Delicias Sur. Zaragoza. España.
cServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza. España.
dPediatra. CS Valdespartera. Zaragoza. España.
Reference of this article: Barberá Pérez PM, Javierre Miranda E, Collado Hernández MP, Amiguet Biain MR, Seral García C, García Sánchez N. Eosinophilia in immigrant children, a case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2017;19:e79-e81.
Published in Internet: 24-04-2017 - Visits: 12935
Assistance to immigrant children arriving for the first time in Spain continues to be a daily practice in Pediatrics. In nearly all Health Care Centers there are protocols that contemplate the initial care of these patients upon arrival. Anamnesis, a complet examination and the request for specific complementary tests are basic for the initial care of these children. Although most of these children are asymptomatic, the application of these protocols may reveal diseases such as malnutrition, parasitosis or anemias of different etiologies, which could otherwise go unnoticed. We present a case of an asymptomatic ten-year-old boy from Equatorial Guinea, who consulted for the first time at the Health Care Center after his arrival in Spain.
● Eosinophilia ● Helminths ● Immigration ● Parasitic infection
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