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Vol. 18 - Num. 72

Clinical Reviews

Vascular ring as an etiology of stridor; a case report

José Luis Copado Gutiérreza, Cecilia Britton Roblesb

aMIR-Pediatría. Programa Multicéntrico de Especialidades Médicos SSNL-ITESM. Monterrey. México .
bCardiología Intervencionista. Instituto de Cardiología y Medicina Vascular. Centro Médico Zambrano Hellion. Monterrey. México.

Correspondence: JL Copado. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Copado Gutiérrez JL, Britton Robles C. Vascular ring as an etiology of stridor; a case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;18:365-8.

Published in Internet: 16-11-2016 - Visits: 10790


The approach to the patient with stridor may become a true diagnostic challenge, due to the broad spectrum of entities which may cause stridor and the accompanying symptoms are very variable. Although laryngomalacia is by far the most frequent cause, other etiologies should also be considered l. Up to 5% of patients with stridor may have cardiovascular abnormalities that cause the extrinsic compression of the airway responsible for the estridor. Once the suspicion has arisen, usually a CT may become the best image technique to define the anatomy and plan its surgical repair.

We present the case of a 26-day-old infant who suddenly develops stridor after a pyloromyotomy. The diagnosis was at first concealed by the antecedent of surgical intubation; however, the subsequent studies allowed the identification of  a double aortic arch as the responsible for the stridor.


Cardiovascular congenital malformation Congenital abnormalities Stridor Vascular rings



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