Vol. 18 - Num. 72
Brief Original Papers
Salomé Ruiz Escusola, Eugenio Guijarro Tapiab, Agustina Cardona Marquésc, M.ª del Mar Hernández Alabartd, M. Puy Muniain Díaz de Ceriod, Ana Martín Lorentee, Ramona Tigell Gironèse, Sofía Minguell Vergesf
aPediatra. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja.
bMédico de Familia. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja.
cEnfermera de Pediatría. EAP Tarragona 1. Bonavista-La Canonja.
dTarragona 1.
eEAP Tarragona 1.
fSalud Pública.
Correspondence: S Ruiz. E-mail: sruiz.tgn.ics@gencat.cat
Reference of this article: Ruiz Escusol S, Guijarro Tapia E, Cardona Marqués A, Hernández Alabart MM, Muniain Díaz de Cerio MP, Martín Lorente AM, et al. Epidemic tinea by Trichophyton tonsurans in a school . Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;18:325-31.
Published in Internet: 19-10-2016 - Visits: 40550
Introduction: tinea is an infectious fungal disease. Although it is common in children, it does not usually present as outbreaks. The reservoir is usually an animal with hair, but it can also be the human. We present an epidemic tinea due to Trichophyton tonsurans that happened at a school in the influence area of our Basic Health Area during the school year 2014-2015. We describe and analyze our experience with this school epidemic tinea.
Material and methods: observational, descriptive, retrospective study, made between October 2014 and September 2015. A monitoring committee was constituted, and an action protocol developed.
Results: 50 cases were diagnosed, 33 distributed in two grades (P3 and P4), mainly concentrated in two classrooms. Thirteen cultures were positive for Trichophyton tonsurans. 41 tineas were located at the face, 14 at the body and six on the scalp. There were 11 recurrences. In September 2015, since no new case had appeared in the two previous months, the school epidemic was declared ended.
Conclusions: when an epidemic tinea is faced, it´s necessary to think of an unusual etiologic agent. Samples collect can help in the identification of the pathogen. Children with Tinea capitis can be the ones than maintain transmission. The constitution of a monitoring committee with an action protocol, as well as the multidisciplinary coordination (school, public health, primary care), may be the key to control these situations.
● Epidemic ● School ● Tinea ● Trichophyton tonsuransComments
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