Vol. 18 - Num. 72
Clinical Reviews
Goretti Gómez Tenaa, B Curto Simónb, Elena Janer Subíasc, Ángela Tello Martínd
aPediatra. CS de Alcorisa. Teruel. España.
bUnidad Neonatal. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Infantil Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
cPediatra.CS de Binéfar. Huesca. España.
dPediatra.CS de Illueca. Zaragoza. España.
Correspondence: G Gómez. E-mail: gorettigomez@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Gómez Tena G, Curto Simón B, Janer Subías E, Tello Martín A. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in Primary Care: more common than we think? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;18:341-3.
Published in Internet: 05-10-2016 - Visits: 24864
Pneumomediastinum is uncommon in Pediatrics, possibly due to an underdiagnosed pathology. The classic symptoms are shortness of breath and chest pain of sudden onset and sometimes subcutaneous emphysema. Usually it is sufficient with a simple chest radiograph for the diagnosis. Treatment is conservative in most cases, with oral analgesia and rest. Since evolution is usually benign, and there is low risk of complications or recurrences, additional tests and hospitalizations are unnecessary. We present two clinical cases who consult for different pathologies, but finally had the same diagnosis.
● Childhood ● Emphysema ● Pneumomediastinum
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