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Vol. 18 - Num. 70

Special Articles

A new vaccine: vaccine for self-knowledge. Neurobiological base of human behavior. The game between the instintive-emocional brain and the rational brain

Inés Merino Villeneuvea

aPediatra. CS de Colmenar de Oreja. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: I Merino. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Merino Villeneuve I. A new vaccine: vaccine for self-knowledge. Neurobiological base of human behavior. The game between the instintive-emocional brain and the rational brain. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;70:e85-e91.

Published in Internet: 22-06-2016 - Visits: 24835


Why we behave as we behave? Why we repeat behaviors that we know hurt us or harm to another? There is a brain behind all human behavior. A brain, whose main function is to ensure the survival of the individual and group. Instinctive emotional system (reptilian and limbic brain) is the part of the brain that is responsible for this function, resulting in rapid, automatic, unconscious, and impulsive behaviors sometimes, harmful. The neocortex (specifically the pre-frontal lobes), is the part of the brain that is responsible for the more reflective and human behaviors. But, this area needs more time to analyze incoming information. Therefore, is essential to educate the brain and provide tools that allow us manage first impulses from the instinctive emotional system. All Educator (parents, teachers, pediatricians) must know how the brain works to so provide the child's socio-emotional skills enabling them to act under the mandate of the prefrontal lobes


Behaviors Education Emotional intelligence



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