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Vol. 18 - Num. 70

Clinical Reviews

Shigella sonnei vulvovaginitis

Antonio Jesús Castellanos Alcarriaa, M.ª del Carmen Garre Alcázarb, MTJ Hernangómez Cuesta, Francisco García Callejab, Rosa M.ª Sánchez Andradad, José M.ª Ojeda Escurieta

aPediatra. CS San Pedro del Pinatar. Murcia. España.
bServicio de Ginecología. Hospital Universitario Los Arcos del Mar Menor. San Javier. Murcia. España.

dCS San Pedro del Pinatar. Murcia. España.

Correspondence: AJ Castellanos. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Castellanos Alcarria AJ, Garre Alcázar MA, Hernangómez Cuesta MTJ, García Calleja F, Sánchez Andrada RM, Ojeda Escuriet JM. Shigella sonnei vulvovaginitis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;70:161-3.

Published in Internet: 10-06-2016 - Visits: 12280


Shigella´s group of microorganisms are pathogens that usually cause infections in the gastrointestinal tract and only in rare occasions may be responsible for extraintestinal infections such as vulvovaginitis. In childhood, vulvovaginitis caused by Shigella is very inusual, although it must be taken into account as it can be responsible for up to 2-4% of the pediatric cases.

In a particular case an eight-year-old Bolivian girl came to our center as she showed intermittent vaginal bleeding as well as mucopurulent and fetid vaginal discharge. Given the chronicity and the characteristics of the clinical profile, the girl was transferred to the hospital in order to rule out a possible intravaginal foreign body or signs of sexual abuse. Furthermore, a culture of vaginal exudates was obtained which tested positive for Shigella sonnei. Stool, perianal exudate and urine cultures were done and the results were negative. Antibiotic treatment was provided, conducted according to the results obtained by an antibiogram, getting the complete resolution of the case after two series of it.

The vast majority of vulvovaginitis in prepubertal girls are unspecific and caused by bad hygienic habits, local irritants or mixed bacteria flora, however, in cases of chronic vulvovaginitis with torpid evolution, we must remember to study other specific causes such as intravaginal foreign body, sexual abuse in the event that there were signs or isolate specific pathogen bacterias which may require treatment.


Shigella sonnei Vulvovaginitis



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