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Vol. 18 - Num. 69

Clinical Reviews

Papilledema’s rare etiology in Pediatrics

Susana Hernangómez Vázqueza, Mercedes Eugenia Alonso Cristoboa, Enrique Sanz Tellecheaa, Carlos María García-Vao Bela, Ana María Dorado López-Rosadob

aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario del Tajo. Aranjuez. Madrid. España.
bServicio de Oftalmología. Hospital Universitario del Tajo. Aranjuez. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: S Hernangómez. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Hernangómez Vázquez S, Alonso Cristobo ME, Sanz Tellechea E, García-Vao Bel CM, Dorado López-Rosado AM. Papilledema’s rare etiology in Pediatrics. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;69:e11-e13.

Published in Internet: 28-03-2016 - Visits: 53271


Papilledema is inflammation of the optic nerve caused by increased intracranial pressure. There are other conditions that can give rise fundus images of the optic nerve head, similar to papilledema, which must be distinguished because of the importance of this clinical sign.

We present a case of a patient in the fundus image, the presence of bilateral optic nerve drusen needs a differential diagnosis with papilledema


Optic disc drusen Papilloedema



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