Vol. 17 - Num. 66
Evidence based Pediatrics
Begoña Pérez-Moneo Agapitoa, Juan Ruiz-Canela Cáceresb
aHospital Universitario Infanta Leonor. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Virgen de África. Sevilla. España.
Correspondence: B Pérez-Moneo. E-mail: begona.perezm@salud.madrid.org
Reference of this article: Pérez-Moneo Agapito B, Ruiz-Canela Cáceres J. What markers are useful as predictors of renal scarring in children with urinary tract infection? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2015;17:167-70.
Published in Internet: 22-04-2015 - Visits: 13155
After a urinary tract infection (UTI), the risk of renal scarring can occur from 10 to 15% of cases and has traditionally been related to different factors such as changes in the ultrasound or significant vesicoureteral reflux.
The study we evaluate is a meta-analysis of individual patient data, which aims to analyze these risk factors and develop a clinical prediction model with a significant sample.
This study has some methodological weaknesses, but the results of the systematic review evaluated are successfully synthesized and described. The conclusions are justified and useful.
With the survey data only three clinical variables serve as markers of renal scarring: abnormal ultrasound, the presence of fever > 39 °C and a different seed to Escherichia coli culture obtained in an appropriate manner. Nevertheless, due to its limitations, these findings should be checked in a prospective study. The voiding cystourethrogram, according to this study and recommendations of clinical practice guidelines should only be performed on a small subset of patients, when indicated.
● Renal scarring ● Risk factors ● Technetium Tc99m dimercaptosuccinic acid ● Urinary tract infections ● Vesicoureteral reflux
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