Vol. 14 - Num. 56
Clinical Reviews
L Bezos Saldañaa, Eva Escribano Ceruelob
aPsicóloga Interna Residente. Hospital Universitario de Móstoles. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús. Madrid. España.
Reference of this article: Bezos Saldaña L, Escribano Ceruelo E. Hiding problems sphincters management: report of a case. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:317-21.
Published in Internet: 07-11-2012 - Visits: 760954
Toilet training disorders are commonly treated problems in Primary Health Care Pediatrician practice. A case study of a four year-old boy with functional encopresis and stool toileting refusal is presented; the interdisciplinary intervention conducted by specialized Pediatrics and Clinical Psychology is also discussed. This clinical case presentation shows that the same symptoms may underlie different problems which would require different therapeutic interventions. The need to pay attention to the contexts surrounding the child (family, school, professionals) is also highlighted; as well as assessing the interaction and reciprocal influence between the child’s symptoms, the parents’ attitudes and other external factors, in order to understand and approach to the problem in a more comprehensive way.
● Elimination disorders ● Encopresis ● Toilet training
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