Vol. 14 - Num. 53
Brief Reports
Leonardo Landa Riveraa, M Díaz-Gómezb, A Gómez Papic, JM Paricio Talayerod, Carmen Rosa Pallás Alonsoe, M.ª Teresa Hernández Aguilarf, J Aguayo Maldonadog, JM Arena Ansoteguih, Susana Ares Segurai, Ana Jiménez Moyaj, Juan José Lasarte Velillask, J Martín Calamal, MD Romero Escósm
aServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Marina Baixa. Villajoyosa. Alicante. España.
bPediatra. Universidad de La Laguna. Tenerife. Canarias. España.
cPediatra. Unidad Neonatal, Hospital Universitario de Tarragona Joan XXIII. Profesor asociado. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona. España.
dServicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Denia. Alicante. España.
eServicio de Neonatología. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. España.
fPediatra. CS Fuente de San Luis. Valencia. España.
gUnidad de Neonatología. Hospital de Valme. Sevilla. España.
hPresidente IHAN. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Donostia. Donostia-San Sebastián. Gipúzkoa. España.
iPediatra. Servicio de Neonatología. Hospital Infantil La Paz. Madrid. España.
jGrupo SEN34-36/ACUNA. Sociedad Española de Neonatología. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Punta Europa. Algeciras. Cádiz. España.
kPediatra. Profesor asociado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Zaragoza. CS Torre Ramona. Zaragoza. España.
lServicio de Pediatría. Hospital Obispo Polanco. Teruel. España.
mServicio de Pediatría. Hospital General de Segovia. España.
Correspondence: L Landa. E-mail: leolanda@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Landa Rivera L, Díaz-Gómez M, Gómez Papi A, Paricio Talayero JM, Pallás Alonso CR, Hernández Aguilar MT, et al. Bed-sharing favours the practice of breastfeeding and does not increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Sleeping with parents. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:53-60.
Published in Internet: 20-03-2012 - Visits: 87762
The practice of bed-sharing by parents and their offspring has been a common behaviour among humans. In parallel with the increase of breastfeeding rates, a higher frequency of bed-sharing has been observed worldwide. And, it is probable that it occurs more frequently than what appears reflected in surveys. There seems to be an interrelated and mutually enhanced effect between breastfeeding and bed-sharing.
Pediatric associations and health organizations have warned against the practice of bed-sharing based on studies that describe a link between this practice and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). However, many were non-controlled studies that did not include other potentially risky circumstances.
After a thoroughly review of the available literature, the authors have found the practice of bed-sharing to be of benefit on the basis of a warm and close-up infant care approach and calls for recognition and avoidance of risky situations that could represent a threat for infant life.
● Bed-sharing ● Breastfeeding ● Co-sleeping ● Sudden infant death syndrome
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