Vol. 14 - Num. 53
Clinical Reviews
M.ª Laura Casado Sáncheza, Carmen Martínez Gonzálezb
aPediatra. CS San Blas. Parla. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Villablanca. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: ML Casado. E-mail: cs.mlaura@yahoo.es
Reference of this article: Casado Sánchez ML, Martínez González C. My child doesn’t grow, and you say this is normal? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2012;14:31-3.
Published in Internet: 15-03-2012 - Visits: 17263
Genu varum is a physiologic finding in children up to 2 years old that sometimes becomes genu valgum. However, it may present accompanying systemic conditions that must be ruled out in order to treat them or not. The relatives of children with genu varum should be reassured and doctors should assume an expectant management due to its favourable natural history. We show the case of two brothers with a pronounced genu varum, one of them with a temporary stop in growth. Both evolved in a right way without treatment.
● Blount disease ● Bone diseases ● Genu varum
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