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Vol. 13 - Num. 52

Original Papers

Study of pandemic A nH1N1 influenza (2009-2010). Guiding signs in primary care and comparison with hospitalized cases

N Martín Ruiza, José Galbe Sánchez-Venturab, N García Sánchezc, MÁ Ruiz Andrésd

aMIR-Pediatría. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.
bPediatra. CS Torrero La Paz. Zaragoza. España.
cPediatra. CS Delicias Sur. Zaragoza. España.
dMicrobióloga. Servicio de Microbiología. Hospital Miguel Servet. Zaragoza. España.

Reference of this article: Martín Ruiz N, Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J, García Sánchez N, Ruiz Andrés MÁ. Study of pandemic A nH1N1 influenza (2009-2010). Guiding signs in primary care and comparison with hospitalized cases. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2011;13:519-30.

Published in Internet: 30-01-2012 - Visits: 19634


Objectives: to analyze the prediction’s capacity of clinical symptoms to diagnose nH1N1 Influenza in outpatients who were chosen by Aragon’s Sentinel surveillance Network. To compare outpatients with hospitalized cases during influenza A virus pandemic (2009-2010).

Methods: retrospective study of a randomized group of patients with symptoms of influenza who had laboratory-confirmation by PCR-RT and of all patients admitted to the reference hospital of Aragon. Comparison of epidemiological and clinical characteristics in outpatients and between outpatients and hospital cases.

Results: there were no clinical differences between the laboratory-confirmed by PCR-RT cases and the other outpatients, so it was not possible to find defining symptoms of infection. Hospitalized patients were younger, with higher percentage of underlying disease and comorbidity.

Conclusions: the epidemic of influenza A behaved as a benign disease, symptoms were similar to seasonal influenza. The clinical finding of having influenza symptoms in a high incidence week (weeks 43-48) was moderately predictive of influenza A infection.


Epidemiological surveillance Epidemiology Influenza A Virus, nH1N1 Subtype Influenza, Human Outpatients Primary care Signs and symptoms



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