
Article not rated

Vol. 13 - Num. 20


C- Streptococcal perianal disease: how to recognize it at the pediatric office

M Roger Azemara, C Bonjoch María, X Viñallonga Sardàb

aPediatra. Departament de Pediatría Ambulatòria. Institut Universitari USP Dexeus. Barcelona. España.
bServei de Pediatria Ambulatòria. Instituto Universitario Dexeus grupo USP. Barcelona. España.

Reference of this article: Roger Azemar M, Bonjoch Marí C, Viñallonga Sardà X. C- Streptococcal perianal disease: how to recognize it at the pediatric office. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. Supl. 2011;(20):e46.

Published in Internet: 18-11-2011 - Visits: 8804



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