Vol. 13 - Num. 51
Clinical Reviews
M.ª Carmen Cubero Sobradosa, O Martín Gordob, David Agüero Orgazb
aPediatra. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.
bMédico de Familia. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: MC Cubero. E-mail: kr_qb@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Cubero Sobrados MC, Martín Gordo O, Agüero Orgaz D. Type MODY diabetes; presentation in an infant. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2011;13:397-401.
Published in Internet: 20-09-2011 - Visits: 17468
The diabetes type MODY (of the English Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young) is characterized by the patients starting when they are less than 25 years old, due to the fact that its inheritance is autosomal dominant (for that reason it is frequent to find 3 generations affected in a same family) and by not needing insulin at least in the 5 years following the diagnosis. Seven implied genes are known for diabetes MODY. The majority of them are transcription factors that take part in the embryonic development. According to what gene is the implied one they can be classified in different types. The most common are MODY 2 and MODY 3. A case of diabetes MODY in a boy 8 months old is presented.
● Hyperglycemia ● Insulin-resistance ● Type MODY diabetes
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