Vol. 2 - Num. 7
Original Papers
MD Cano Pérez, MI Contreras Calzada, MJ García Sánchez, M Doñoro Mazario, Matilde Riquelme Pérezb
bPediatra. CS La Chopera. Alcobendas. Madrid. España.
Reference of this article: Cano Pérez MD, Contreras Calzada MI, García Sánchez MJ, Doñoro Mazario M, Riquelme Pérez M. Prospective study on urinary tract infections and vesicoureteral reflux in two pediatric offices. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2000;2:389-398.
Published in Internet: 30-09-2000 - Visits: 9532
● Renal ecography ● Serial micturition cistoureterography ● Urinary tract infection ● Vesicoureteral refluxThis content is not available in html format but you may download it in Acrobat Reader (PDF).
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