Vol. 13 - Num. 50
Clinical Reviews
Carmen Madrigal Díeza, M.ª Reyes Mazas Rabab, M.ª Inmaculada Fernández Jiménezc, Ernesto Matías de De Diego Garcíad, Roberto Ballestero Diegoe
aPediatra. CS Bezana. Cantabria. España.
bPediatra. CS Alto Asón. Ramales de la Victorial. Cantabria. España.
cCirujana pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. Cantabria. España.
dCirujano pediátrico. Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. España.
eUrólogo. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander. España.
Correspondence: C Madrigal. E-mail: c.madrigaldiez@yahoo.es
Reference of this article: Madrigal Díez C, Mazas Raba MR, Fernández Jiménez MI, De Diego García EM, Ballestero Diego R. Hemangioma of the upper lip treated successfully with propranolol. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2011;13:233-40.
Published in Internet: 20-06-2011 - Visits: 90934
Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumours in childhood, usually located in the head and neck, and most of them suffer a spontaneous regression. Lip hemangiomas have a higher risk of causing deformities, residual scarring or ulceration. A minority of cases, either because of size, location or their complicated evolution, require therapy, traditionally using oral corticosteroids. In recent years, excellent results have been obtained in cases treated with oral propranolol.
We present the case of a 3-month-old male infant, with no history of interest, who had a hemangioma in his upper lip that made suction difficult and produced an aesthetic deformity. After ruling out associated pathology, at the age of 4 months our patient began outpatient treatment with oral propranolol with an initial dose of 1.5 mg/kg/day, with good results and without complications. The evolution was satisfactory, and the size and colour of the injury were reduced.
We believe that propranolol is an effective and safe therapeutic option, and although comprehensive clinical studies are needed in which the mechanism of action, dosage and duration of treatment are clarified, we would like to highlight the important role of the primary care pediatrician in the detection of possible adverse effects, in patient monitoring, and in family support.
● Hemangioma ● Lip ● Propanolol
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