Vol. 12 - Num. 48
Clinical Reviews
M.ª Carmen Cubero Sobradosa, David Agüero Orgazb, O Martín Gordob
aPediatra. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.
bMédico de Familia. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: MC Cubero. E-mail: kr_qb@hotmail.com
Reference of this article: Cubero Sobrados MC, Agüero Orgaz D, Martín Gordo O. Dyschromia as a cause of consultation; presentation of several case reports. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:639-43.
Published in Internet: 14-01-2011 - Visits: 31438
Pigmentation disorders are a frequent cause of consultation in primary care, especially in patients with pigmented skins. These patients have a greater predisposition to respond to the presence of dermatosis and to different injuries with alterations of the pigmentation, sometimes persistent. The case of an 18 months old boy, and a 14 years old girl with characteristic clinical findings and a 13 years old girl with acanthosis nigricans are presented.
● Acanthosis nigricans ● Dyschromia ● Hyperpigmentation ● Hypopigmentation
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