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Vol. 12 - Num. 19


What if someone consult us because they wet the bed?

Mª Isabel Úbeda Sansanoa, R Martínez Garcíab

aPediatra. CS de L’Eliana. Valencia. España.
bUrólogo. Unidad de Incontinencia Urinaria y Urología Funcional. Servicio de Urología. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia. Valencia. España.

Reference of this article: Úbeda Sansano MI, Martínez García R. What if someone consult us because they wet the bed? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12(Supl 19):s231-s243.

Published in Internet: 20-11-2010 - Visits: 25048


Enuresis is equivalent to the former term “nocturnal enuresis”. It is any involuntary discharge of urine during sleep, at a socially inappropriate age and frequency. The age of ≥ 5 is accepted for the diagnosis. It is a frequent and under diagnosed condition that causes a relevant economic, social and emotional repercussion for a great number of relatives and children that are wetting their beds. MPE (monosymptomatic primary enuresis) is the most frequent type of enuresis and has the best prognosis. The Primary Care approach will achieve a great impact with the minimal diagnosis-treatment effort.

The therapeutical measures and the key diagnostic aspects of the MPE will be exposed (explained) in the workshop. Through interactive clinical cases, the attendees will be able to detect early this type of enuresis, to rule out other type of urinary incontinence and concomitant conditions and to choose the most adequate treatment based on good or bad prognosis response factors. Likewise bad outcome cases which need to be referred to hospital will be identified.

Alarm and desmopressin are the available treatments. The attendees will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment and the information that needs to be transmitted to the patient and his family to run the minimal risks and to improve the treatment adherence.

On the whole, the alarm is the more effective treatment, but an appropriated use demands specific abilities that will be acquired in a practical way in this workshop.


Alarm Child Desmopresine Diagnosis Nocturnal enuresis Urinary incontinence



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