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Vol. 12 - Num. 19


To share: Web 2.0 (The Internet)

Manuel Merino Moínaa

aPediatra. CS El Greco. Getafe. Madrid. España.

Reference of this article: Merino Moína M. To share: Web 2.0 (The Internet). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12(Supl 19):s215-s217.

Published in Internet: 20-11-2010 - Visits: 10828


This is a workshop on computers, aimed at primary care pediatricians with basic knowledge on the Internet surfing. It seeks to put the learner in contact with a new way to staying on the Internet, known as Web 2.0. It aims to facilitate group work and also to use the Net as a site to share information, and not just a place to look for it.


Community networks Computer Internet



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