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Vol. 12 - Num. 46

Brief Reports

Cutaneous leishmaniasis

Teresa del Rosal Rabesa, Fernando Baquero Artigaob, MJ García Miguelc

aServicio de Infectología Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Infantil La Paz. Madrid. España.
bSociedad Española de Infectología Pediátrica (SEIP). España.
cPediatra. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: T del Rosal. E-mail: teresadelrosal@yahoo.es

Reference of this article: del Rosal Rabes T, Baquero Artigao F, García Miguel MJ. Cutaneous leishmaniasis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:263-271.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2010 - Visits: 187590


Leishmaniasis are a group of diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. Spain is one of the countries where leishmaniasis is endemic. All cases acquired in our country (both cutaneous and visceral) are caused by Leishmania infantum, although cases due to other species may appear in travelers or immigrants. Cutaneous lesions appear mainly in exposed areas and tend to heal spontaneously leaving scars. Diagnosis is often difficult due to the non-specific clinical manifestations and the slow growth of the parasite when cultured. There are different available treatment options and each case should be individually considered, taking into account the characteristics of the lesion, the species of Leishmania and the potential for mucosal spread. In Spain, intralesional pentavalent antimonials are the first-line therapeutic option. In those cases at risk for mucosal dissemination or refractory to local therapy, systemic treatment must be given.


Cutaneous leishmaniasis Leishmania Systemic treatment Topical treatment



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