Vol. 12 - Num. 46
Original Papers
Beatriz Miguel Gila, Rosa María Masvidal Aliberchb, C Cruz Rodríguezc, E de Frutos Gallegod, A Estabanell Buxóe, M.ª Dolors Riera Vidalf
aEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
bPediatra. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
cEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
dPediatra. ABS Raval Nord. Barcelona. España.
ePediatra. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
fPediatra. CAP Drassanes. Raval Sur. ICS. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: B Miguel. E-mail: bmiguel.bcn.ics@gencat.cat
Reference of this article: Miguel Gil B, Masvidal Aliberch RM, Cruz Rodríguez C, de Frutos Gallego E, Estabanell Buxó A, Riera Vidal MD. Vaccination coverage in immigrant and adopted children at their arrival in Catalonia (Spain). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:239-247.
Published in Internet: 30-06-2010 - Visits: 16712
Objectives: to evaluate the vaccination status of immigrant children upon their arrival.
Material and methods: a descriptive, observational transversal study. Population: immigrants between 6 months and 15 years. Variables: social-demographic features from the child and the parents; vaccination register, type and dose of the vaccines administered; adopted (yes/not). To evaluate vaccination status, we used the “Expanded Program on Immunization” (EPI-1974) and the “Children Immigrant Care Protocol” (PANI).
Results: sixty-two percent brought the vaccination register, confidence interval (CI) 95%: 59.3%-65.0%. Correctly vaccinated according to the EPI-1974, 54.1% (IC 95%: 50.0%-57.9%). Country of origin was found to be statistically associated (p < 0.001) with bringing the vaccination register, reading and writing skills and being correctly vaccinated on EPI. Correctly immunized according to PANI: Diphtheria 94% (IC 95%: 91.9%-95.6%); Tetanus 93.2% (IC 95%: 91.1%-95.0%); Pertussis 93.2% (IC 95%: 91.1%-95.0%); Polio 92.9% (IC 95%: 90.8%-94.7%); Measles 41.6% (IC 95%: 37.6%-43.3%); Rubella 27.2% (IC 95%: 24.0%-30.7%); Mumps 20.73% (IC 95%: 17.8%-23.9%); Hepatitis B 48.37% (IC 95%: 44.6%-52.1%); Hepatitis A 1.69% (IC 95%: 0.9%-2.9%); Meningitis C 7.75% (IC 95%: 5.9%-9.9%); Haemophilus influenzae b 19.18% (IC 95%: 16.3%-22.3%); and BCG 81% (IC 95%: 78.5%-83.1%).
Conclusions: many of the children do not have vaccination records. Among those who do, records show a high prevention from Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis. In order to meet the requirements of the vaccination protocol recommended, the rest of the vaccines must be given to the immigrant.
● Adoption ● Childhood ● Immigrants ● Inmunization ● Vaccines
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