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Vol. 12 - Num. 46

Original Papers

The learning of healthy postural habits and physical exercise in children with slight problems of the vertebral column

Gema Galindo Moralesa, M.ª Pilar Lalana Josab, MB Sola Martínezc, J Sola Antónd

aFisioterapeuta. CS Borja.Servicio Aragonés de Salud. Sector III. Borja. Zaragoza. España.
bPediatra. CS San José Centro. Zaragoza. España.
cTrabajador social. CS Borja. Servicio Aragonés de Salud. Sector III. Borja. Zaragoza. España.
dTécnico en diagnóstico por la imagen. CS Canal Imperial. Servicio Aragonés de Salud. Sector II. Zaragoza. España.

Correspondence: G Galindo. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Galindo Morales G, Lalana Josa MP, Sola Martínez MB, Sola Antón J. The learning of healthy postural habits and physical exercise in children with slight problems of the vertebral column. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:215-226.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2010 - Visits: 32742


Objectives: to elaborate and develop a program aimed to increase the child and his/her family’s knowledge of a correct postural vertebral hygiene, to establish habits of physical exercise in the child, and to involve him/her in self-care so as to prevent back problems in the future.

Material and methods: thirteen children in whom slight problems of back were detected (with or without pain) were included in a program jointly elaborated by the Pediatrics and the Physical Therapy services. This program consisted of an initial evaluation and individualized teaching of exercises. This was followed by three group meetings: in the first, an initial survey and a notebook of activities were given to the children and families enrolled; in the next two, the activities carried out were evaluated. A video of postural hygiene was shown and the acquired knowledge was jointly discussed. Three months later, a final exploration and satisfaction survey was conducted with those children who had completed the program.

Results: of the 13 initial participants, 6 finished the program (46.1%). In the exploration carried out to those who had finished the program, 100% had improved their vertebral and muscular flexibility and had increased their knowledge of postural hygiene and physical activity. In all, the survey of satisfaction was favorable.

Conclusions: the exploration showed an improvement in the children who completed the program. The older the child, the higher the rate of abandonment. The best age for the application of the program could be between 10-12 years.


Back Pain Physical therapy Postural Hygiene Primary care



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