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Vol. 12 - Num. 47

Original Papers

Tuberculin skin test in child inmigrant population.

Rosa María Masvidal Alibercha, Arantxa Aliaga Ugarteb, Beatriz Miguel Gilc, A Estabanell Buxód, E de Frutos Gallegoe, C Cruz Rodríguezf, M.ª Dolors Riera Vidalg

aPediatra. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
bPediatra. CAP Castelldefels. ABS Castelldefels. ICS. Castelldefels. Barcelona. España.
cEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
dPediatra. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
ePediatra. ABS Raval Nord. Barcelona. España.
fEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
gPediatra. CAP Drassanes. Raval Sur. ICS. Barcelona. España.

Correspondence: RM Masvidal . E-mail:

Reference of this article: Masvidal Aliberch RM, Aliaga Ugarte A, Miguel Gil B, Estabanell Buxó A, de Frutos Gallego E, Cruz Rodríguez C, et al. Tuberculin skin test in child inmigrant population. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:399-411.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2010 - Visits: 22042


Introduction: Immigration has increased the prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection, so it is worthwhile studying the results of Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) in child immigrants.

Patients and methods: This is a multicentric, and descriptive study. TST, Mantoux technique, was administered to children between 6 months and 15 years old, coming from developing countries, who had immigrated less than 12 months ago. Some factors related with the positivity of the TST and to failure to return for its evaluation were studied.

Results: Out of 1009 children, 6,1% had positive TST (IC 95%:4,7-7,7). 83% with BCG scars presented 0mm of induration. The prevalence of positivity in the TST was greater in those vaccinated against BCG more than 3 years previously. Positive TST increased with age, and was not associated with sex, cultural level or cramped living conditions in our country. All children who had been in contact with active Tuberculosis individuals reacted positively. This test wasn’t read in 3,7% of the sample, which was associated with the household overcrowding index >2 and to father’s unemployment. Negative TST was not significantly associated with the presence of intestinal parasitation.

Conclusion: We recommend that all children immigrating from developing countries should be tested for tuberculosis.


Emigrants and Immigrants Latent Tuberculosis Tuberculine skin test Tuberculosis



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