Vol. 11 - Num. 44
Original Papers
Teresa Valls Durána, Eduardo Díaz Sanisidrob, L Nadal Gonzálezb
aPediatra. Servicio de Pediatría. C.S. Val Miñor. Nigrán. Pontevedra. España.
bMIR de Medicina de Familia. C.S. Val Miñor. Nigrán. Pontevedra. España.
Correspondence: T Valls. E-mail: teresa_valls@hotmail.es
Reference of this article: Valls Durán T, Díaz Sanisidro E, Nadal González L. Use of LAT gel to suture wounds in children. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:575-85.
Published in Internet: 31-12-2009 - Visits: 48337
Introduction: traumatic lacerations requiring suturing stitches are one of the most frequent reasons of emergencies in paediatrics. Achieving the best anesthesia of the area in order to cause the minimum pain possible is the previous and basic step to a successful repair of the injury under ideal conditions. The aim of this work is to check the LAT anesthetic gel efficacy (lidocaine, 1.5%; adrenalin, 0.1%; tetracaine, 1%) in order to suture no complicated wounds in paediatric patients.
Material and methods: paediatric patients coming to our health centre to get their wounds sutured from July 2007 to December 2008 were included. The evaluation of the pain felt was measured by using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in those children who could express themselves verbally and by the Face Pain Scale (FPS) in the younger ones.
Results: a total of 106 patients were included. Mean age was 5.94 years, and the measurement of pain 1.34 in the group evaluated by VAS, and 1.67 in the one evaluated by FPS. Effectiveness was significantly higher with wounds located on face or scalp compared to those in the extremities. There were no major complications (monitored by phone call) and patients and their families seemed to be pleased.
Conclusions: LAT gel application is useful for suturing no complicated wounds in children without causing pain, especially with wounds located on face and scalp.
● Epinephrine ● Lidocaine ● Skin lacerations ● Sutures ● Tetracaine ● Topical anesthetics
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