Vol. 11 - Num. 43
Original Papers
M.ª Dolors Riera Vidala, MC Baraza Mendozab, Rosa María Masvidal Aliberchc, E de Frutos Gallegod, A Estabanell Buxóe, C Cruz Rodríguezf, Beatriz Miguel Gilg, C Guzmán Molinah
aPediatra. CAP Drassanes. Raval Sur. ICS. Barcelona. España.
bPediatra. CAP Lluís Sayé. Barcelona. España.
cPediatra. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
dPediatra. ABS Raval Nord. Barcelona. España.
ePediatra. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
fEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Gòtic (Anexo Rull). ICS. Barcelona. España.
gEnfermera pediátrica. CAP Lluís Sayé. Raval Nord. ICS. Barcelona. España.
hPediatra. CAP Drassanes, Raval Sud. Barcelona. España.
Correspondence: MD Riera. E-mail: 11913mrv@comb.cat
Reference of this article: Riera Vidal MD, Baraza Mendoza MC, Masvidal Aliberch RM, de Frutos Gallego E, Estabanell Buxó A, Cruz Rodríguez C, et al. Socio-familiar aspects of the immigrant population in Catalonia. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:439-50.
Published in Internet: 30-09-2009 - Visits: 14184
Objectives: to acquire a better understanding of socio-familiar features of the immigrant population looked after in the pediatric offices in Catalonia.
Methodology: prospective, transversal and multicentric study. Population: children aged 6 months to 15 years, who had arrived to Catalonia less than one year before, and who were of low income countries' origin. Variables: sex, age, country of origin, blood relationship between the parents, date of migration and first visit to the medical office, main caregiver, complete/ non-complete family, home overcrowding index, religion and parents' education.
Results: one thousand two hundred and twenty-six patients were studied, 659 males (53.8%) and 567 females (46.2%). They had come from 47 countries, which were grouped into 9 different "origin" groups. Average age of the sample: 7.5 years. Average time between arrival to Catalonia and first visit to the doctor: 1 month. Main caregiver: mother or father in 96.9% of the cases. In 70.9% of the cases, the family was complete. Parents' blood relationship: 13.2% of the cases. The biggest home overcrowding index (IH > 2) was founded among Indian-Pakistan (49.7%), Maghreb (41.6%) and other Asian (41.8%) families. Family religion: Muslims (45.9%), Catholic (38.8%) and other Christian doctrines (10.5%). Five point five percent of parents and 16.4% of mothers had never gone to school.
Conclusions: in order to provide the best medical assistance to immigrants, it is necessary to have a good understanding of their cultural and social background.
● Childhood ● Consanguinity ● Cultural diversity ● Education ● Housing ● Immigration
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