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Vol. 11 - Num. 42

Clinical Reviews

Neonatal lupus, a case report

M.ª Carmen Cubero Sobradosa, O Martín Gordob, David Agüero Orgazb

aPediatra. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.
bMédico de Familia. CS Orcasitas. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: MC Cubero. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Cubero Sobrados MC, Martín Gordo O, Agüero Orgaz D. Neonatal lupus, a case report. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:275-5.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2009 - Visits: 14492


Neonatal lupus is an autoimmune disease caused by transplacental La and Ro antibodies that address and affect directly to the newborn, causing diverse clinical manifestations. We present a one month old infant, with clinical and histological characteristics of lupus disease.


Autoimmunity Lupus vulgaris Newborn



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