Vol. 11 - Num. 15
Atopic dermatitis
Eva Escribano Cerueloa, Mar Duelo Marcosb
aPediatra. Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús. Madrid. España.
bPediatra. CS Las Calesas. Madrid. España.
Reference of this article: Escribano Ceruelo E, Duelo Marcos M. Advice and general recommendations for the atopic patient. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11 Supl 5:s101-s108.
Published in Internet: 30-06-2009 - Visits: 12686
There is a big controversial over the real efects of skin care in atopic dermatitis that we usually recomend to atopic patients. In general, there are few studies designed in this way and most of them are based in expert opinions, no control trials and the recommendations are in opposition. As a result to reduce the impact of the disease in the children life is advisable to speak friendly about this topics and add a self-care writing plan.
● Atopic dermatitis ● Breastfeeding ● Patient education ● Preventive measures ● Probiotics
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