Arroz Hidrolizado

Current issue


Articles by P Lalaguna Mallada

  • Crying in a one-month-old baby. Not all are crampings
    Perales Martínez JI, Pina Marqués B, Congost Marín S, Odriozola Grijalba M, Vara Callau M, Lalaguna Mallada P. Crying in a one-month-old baby. Not all are crampings. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2015;17:e209-e213.
  • Usefulness of symptoms in the diagnosis of whooping cough
    Lalaguna Mallada P, García Romero R, Bajo Delgado A, Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J, Fernández Espuelas C, López Calleja AI, et al. Usefulness of symptoms in the diagnosis of whooping cough. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2003;5:215-224.