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Vol. 10 - Num. 14


Sexuality and contraception

Mª Teresa Peinado Rodrígueza

aMédico de Familia. Centro de Orientación Familiar/Centro Joven de Anticoncepción y Sexualidad Ciudad Jardín. Badajoz. España.

Reference of this article: Peinado Rodríguez MT. Sexuality and contraception. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2008;10 Supl 2:e19-43.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2008 - Visits: 8935


Abstract Nearly half of all pregnancies of women under 20 years end in abortion. The incidence of sexually transmitted infections in young people and teenagers increases and this represents a high social cost, and even more in personal development. Sexual education and the easy access to health services can help them enjoy a safe sexuality. The pre-adolescence counts also, and paediatricians are the best placed, from a health point of view, to help teenagers by means of guiding them with possibilities and coherences in sexual and reproductive health. Barrier methods, specifically condoms, and hormonal contraception are the preferred options for contraception in adolescents. Due to the deficiencies in the management of preventive methods in adolescence, it is advisable to use dual protection: condoms and hormonal contraception together. This would help avoiding unwanted pregnancies and would protect from sexually transmitted infections. Emergency contraception is a very important therapeutic tool for preventing unplanned pregnancies.


Adolescents Contraception Health Pregnancy Sexuality

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