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Vol. 8 - Num. 7

Substance abuse among spanish adolescents

The National Plan on Drugs 1985-2005, what is new?

C Riesgo Moreno

Reference of this article: Riesgo Moreno C. The National Plan on Drugs 1985-2005, what is new? Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2006; 8 Supl 3: S15-33.

Published in Internet: 30-09-2006 - Visits: 7952


In 2005, the National Plan on Drugs reached 20 years of existence, an anniversary that coincided with the beginning of a Plan of Action for the period 2005-2008. The National Plan on Drugs was born as a governmental initiative destined to coordinate and to promote the drug policies coming from different Public Administrations and social organizations, which provide assistance to people with drugs consumption problems. We analyse the results of the surveys the Delegation of the Government for the National Plan on Drugs undertakes, in order to describe the present situation of drugs consumption among the adolescents and young spanish people, making special emphasis in the decrease of risk perception derived from this consumption and the alarming increase of cannabis and cocaine consumption registered in our country. The Plan of Action 2005-2008, in clear understanding with the European Strategy on Drugs 2005-2012, has as primary objectives to prevent the consumption of psychoactive substances, mainly between the youngest, to improve the capacity of the system to diagnose and treat this problem precociously, to diminish the damage in the consuming people and to promote the social and labour integration of the old consumers.


Adolescent Assistance Consumption Prevention Psychoactive substances Youth

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