Vol. 22 - Num. 85
Special Articles
aBibliotecaria. Alter Biblio. Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid. España.
Correspondence: M García-Puente. E-mail: maria@bibliovirtual.es
Reference of this article: García-Puente M. Reference managers as day-to-day tools. Zotero. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2020;22:95-101.
Published in Internet: 03-03-2020 - Visits: 9222
Reference managers are tools that appeared in the 1980s to facilitate the work of citation and reference in academic texts. Over the years, new reference managers have appeared that include new functionalities, such as locating references on the internet, downloading and storing them, managing and adding information to each reference, and some even go beyond this and facilitate visibility and communication among researchers. In this article we focus on free managers, more specifically Zotero, explaining their characteristics, installation and use, and making a brief comparison with Mendeley. Reference managers are very useful and indispensable tools today that save a lot of time and worries for anyone who needs to present an academic paper or publish an article.
● Information management ● Publications ● Reference manager tool ● Research ● Software
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