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Vol. 14 - Num. 56

Clinical Reviews

Perineal groove, or how something small can become a big problem

Marta Carrera Polancoa

aPediatra. CS Silvano. Madrid. España.

Correspondence: M Carrera. E-mail:

Published in Internet: 24-10-2012 - Visits: 44395


Here is presented the case of a 2-years-old asian girl recently arrived from China after her adoption by a Spanish family. In her first clinical examination it is seen a painless injury in the perineum, from anus to fourchette, compatible with a perineal groove. This is a small benign malformation whose existence should be known, because ignorance can lead to confusion, among other possibilities, sexual abuse, with all the consequences this has.


Low anorectal malformation Painful defecation Perineal groove Sexual abuse Vulvodynia



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