
Article not rated

Vol. 11 - Num. 17


C-14. Usefulness of the skin-prick test with adapted milk in the diagnosis of allergy to cow milk proteins in the Primary Care clinic

R Del Valle Péreza, Y Espinosa Rodrigob, M.ª Dolores Cantarero Vallejoc, C De la Torre Ceciliad

aHospital Virgen de la Salud. Toledo. España.
bCentro Especialidades de Illescas. Toledo. España.
cPediatra. CS de Illescas . Toledo. España.
dCS Levante Norte. Córdoba. España.

Reference of this article: Del Valle Pérez R, Espinosa Rodrigo Y, Cantarero Vallejo MD, De la Torre Cecilia C. C-14. Usefulness of the skin-prick test with adapted milk in the diagnosis of allergy to cow milk proteins in the Primary Care clinic. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2009;11:Supl 17:e17.

Published in Internet: 31-12-2009 - Visits: 8704



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