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Vol. 4 - Num. 14

Original Papers

Accidents in children. Results of Hospital La fe Emergency Service

Carmen Casaní Martíneza, M Morales Suárez-Varela

aPediatra. Doctora en Medicina. CS de Burjassot (Valencia). Unidad de Neonatología, Hospital Universitario La Fe. Valencia. España.

Correspondence: C Casaní. E-mail:

Reference of this article: Casaní Martínez C, Morales Suárez-Varela M. Accidents in children. Results of Hospital La fe Emergency Service. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2002;4:209-222.

Published in Internet: 30-06-2002 - Visits: 10000


Objective: To analyse the epidemiological characteristics of the children treated for accidents in an Emergency Service, with a view to the adoption of preventive measures. Method: A descriptive, retrospective study with an analytical component, conducted in La Fe Children's Hospital (Valencia, Spain) ? a centre that covers a pediatric population of 164,127 children aged 0-14 years. The study series consisted of patients treated in the Emergency Service and sent home following accidents during 1993. Results: A total of 50,726 emergency visits were recorded, 10,800 (21.3%) due to accidents. Annual incidence: 5,959.4/100,000. Male predominance (57.1%)(p = 0.000) and 0-4 years age range (41.3%)(p = 0.000). Age (mean ± SD) 74.3 ± 41.9 months. Significance (p = 0.001) for age and sex (boys 75.4*41.6 months; girls: 72.7 ± 42.3). Maximum on Mondays (15.6%)(p = 0.000) and the month of June (10.5%)(p = 0.000). Principal diagnoses: contusions (23.5%), wounds (19.3%) and fractures (13.6%); in 1% exploration proved normal. A total of 77.2% spontaneously presented to hospital, and 90.6% pertained to the La Fe recruitment sector. Significance for diagnosis and sex (p = 0.000), age (p = 0.000), number of inhabitants of the residency population (p = 0.000), province (p = 0.033), time of arrival to hospital (p = 0.000), day of the week (p = 0.000), month (p = 0.000), origin (i.e., spontaneous or with prior medical care)(p = 0.000) and health care sector (p = 0.000). Conclusions: Health education campaigns should be implemented to reduce the frequency of accidents in childhood, particularly among boys and in the 0-4 years age range. In addition, the utilization of available health care services should be improved, with access to the appropriate levels of care according to the seriousness and urgency of the accident.


Accidents Childhood Emergency Service Pediatrics Prevention

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